Friday, March 23, 2012

Wowie Wow Wow!

Today was a the greatest day EVER! We wnt to the Botanical gardens! I took a group of ten kids and we explored the whole place! It was awesome! Here are some pictures!

My group on the spider web in the butterfly maze!

One of our student got turned into a cocoon! :(

Beautiful Orchids in the Exhibit Room


My group again all of them making....lovely?...faces

Cool Caterpillar that one one of our students found!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day!

So yesterday was Valentine's Day! It was CRAZY! We wanted to do something for the parents so we made these beautiful cards!

This is one of our student's that he made for his mommy! Aren't they cute?! Now let me just tell you...I have enough chocolate to last me a month! Well I hope that you had a wonderful Valentine's Day I know I did!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Christina Perri- Jar Of Hearts

This song is amazing. I almost cry every time I hear it!

I Heart You!

This week we are learning about how our heart works and how the blood circulates through our bodies. Thanks to schoolhouse rock I have found this AWESOME video!

This video was awesome to show the kids because they really got into the music and the drawings.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Death Cab for Cutie- You Are A Tourist

Found this song awhile ago thought you might like it <3 have a happy day!

100th DAY OF SCHOOL!/Texas

Today is the 100TH DAY OF SCHOOL YAY!!!!! For our project we will be making 100 hearts and writing 100 different ways to say "Hello" on the hearts. We will hang the up in a biiiig cluster in the corner of the room to make it look like a mobile. Its going to be sooooo much fun!

These past weeks we have been learning about Texas. For our art project we made blue bonnets. Here are some pictures (:

Aren't they pretty?!


In February we are going to start learning about famous contemporary artists. One in particular that we will learn about is Andy Warhol...yes the famous POP artist that has painted soup cans, bananas and celebrities. We will be doing Andy Warhol's wildflowers. They will look soooooo cute. I'll post pictures soon! &hearts; Have an awesome day!